Nov 12 2008

TARP Readjustment: California, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona on a Financial Economic Island. Those Option ARM Loans Are Your Problem.

The morphing financial crisis has taken a major change today.  Henry Paulson came out today announcing that the main component of the $700 billion bailout plan will no longer be the centerpiece.  If you recall a few weeks ago with the highly unpopular bailout, the major contention was that much of the money would be […]

Nov 11 2008

Economic Dependence on Real Estate, Finance, Insurance, Retail, and Construction. 3 Major Sectors of our Economy set to Decline.

The employment situation has quickly deteriorated as the credit crisis deepens and more and more Americans are quickly holding on tighter to their wallets.  This isn’t necessarily pervasive to our nation alone as we are seeing globally people from many nations are starting to feel the impacts of this economic contraction.

Nov 9 2008

Bear Market Rallies: Beware the Siren Call of Volatile Economic Markets.

It is understandable after the record fall of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from a peak of slightly over 14,000 in August of 2007 to a low reached last month of slightly over 8,000 that many are eager to search for a bottom.  It is a tempting path to follow especially when the market is […]

Nov 7 2008

The October 2008 Job Report: Digging Deeper into the Data. True Unemployment Rate at 11.8%.

Trying to explain the unemployment rate is a challenge since there are many nuances to look out for.  For example, today the unemployment rate came out at 6.5%, the highest since March of 1994.  That would be troubling in itself.  What was also released in the report is a horrible number of 240,000 jobs being […]

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