Aug 7 2012

US Dollar already went off a fiscal cliff – what does a falling dollar mean to US families? Masking de-leveraging via debt markets.

People tend to have a short-term memory when it comes to financial panics.  Even when told that the US dollar has lost over 90+ percent of its purchasing power since 1914 when the Federal Reserve was first established, many just assume this is normal.  Inflation is as common as air.  Today’s purchasing power of one […]

Aug 5 2012

The other side of persistently high unemployment – Underemployment rate shoots up to 15 percent but is actually more problematic because of the civilian employment-population ratio.

Spending time examining the employment report shows continuing trends that appear beyond the headline figures.  The number of Americans unemployed or marginally attached to the work-force increased to 15 percent and appears to be a new staple of our current workforce.  A key data point is the civilian employment-population ratio that shows a continuing drop.  […]

Aug 2 2012

A crushing blow to male earnings – From 1969 to 2009 male earnings have fallen by 28 percent. The slow decline of the American middle class.

The contraction of the US middle class continues to roll along.  There are major generational rifts that are hitting the economy.  For example between 1960 and 2009 the number of men working fulltime has fallen from 83 percent to 66 percent.  A large number of people are categorized under “not making formal wages” and this […]

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