Aug 14 2015

The Average Net Worth by Age: The massive financial chicanery brought on by housing equity figures and the new real estate bubble.

The best indicator of wealth is your net worth.  Take you assets and subtract out your liabilities.  It should come as no surprise to most Americans that half of this country is living paycheck to paycheck.  One third of Americans have zero dollars for their net worth or in many cases for young Americans, have […]

Aug 11 2015

Trends in low wage America: 1.4 million waiter/bartender jobs gained while 1.4 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2007. Top 4 employment sectors pay $10 an hour or less.

The media pundits are scratching their heads as to why two political outsiders are garnering all the attention.  You want to know why?  Both are addressing the low wage epidemic plaguing the country.  Now we can debate their policies since both stand at the extreme opposite ends of the spectrum but their message is clear […]

Aug 7 2015

1 out of 3 American workers support the rest of the country: Those not in the labor force surges to another record at 93,770,000.

The latest employment figures did not help the market.  While the unemployment rate remained unchanged this is largely being driven by the massive number of Americans not in the labor force.  This is the biggest employment story going on for a couple of years but is completely ignored by the media.  It is also conveniently […]

Aug 4 2015

Comparing the cost of living between 1975 and 2015: You are being lied and fooled when it comes to inflation data and the cost of living.

Inflation is widely misunderstood by the public. Even economists tend to have a hard time coming to a general agreement to the true definition of inflation.  When you ask the person on the street what inflation is they usually respond by saying the “price of things going up” which is more of a consequence of […]

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