May 9 2010

The retirement myth – 1 out of 3 Americans has no savings or retirement account. Half of Americans have $2,000 or less in their retirement account. 401k new name for Wall Street grease.

Middle class Americans are witnessing the conversion of their retirement accounts into gambling pots used by Wall Street.  The metamorphosis of Wall Street into one giant fraud ridden center moved by investment banking funds has slowly occurred over the last four decades.  Average Americans have sat back over these years since they were given enough […]

Apr 17 2010

Stock Market Hustle – Three Ways Wall Street has Created a New American Serfdom. The Overly Expensive Mortgage Deduction, Wall Street Pseudo-Rally, and Attacking the Poor.

Last week the S&P 500 almost reached an impressive 80 percent gain from the red abyss seen in March of 2009.  This puts this stock market rally up in the ranks of the strongest and fastest market turnarounds in history.  Yet on Friday news of Goldman Sachs betting on toxic mortgages sold to clients brought […]

Apr 10 2010

The $2.3 Trillion State and Local Government Debt Monster – California Pension Systems on Unsupportable Path with $500 Billion Projected Shortfall. CalPERS, CalSTRS, and UCRS.

Much of the focus on government debt over the past few years has revolved around the federal government.  No doubt, this is a stunningly large amount.  Yet the government has the ability to finance this debt through the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve with a buffet of choices.  You have direct bailouts to Wall Street, […]

Mar 15 2010

The Weakest Bang for our Wilting Dollar – How we Overpaid for the Bailouts and were left with a Wilting Economy Propped up by Government Spending. Paying $446,000 Per Loan Modification and $43,000 for Homes that were already going to be Purchased.

So much horrible policy has occurred since the economy entered recession that the majority of Americans are shell shocked with each day of news.  It used to be that a billion dollars in toxic assets was enough to garner some movement out of the market.  Now, we talk about trillion dollar deficits as if they […]

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