Jan 27 2011

Federal Reserve openly aiming for inflation – The Fed looks for a sequel in punishing the U.S. dollar and hopes to inflate debt and the middle class away.

The Federal Reserve has painted itself into a very narrow and troubling corner for most of working and middle class America.  The massive debt problems on hand have no realistic way of being paid off and the best path in the eyes of the Federal Reserve is to slowly inflate away the currency and debt.  […]

Nov 3 2010

The Federal Reserve plans on exporting the U.S. middle class abroad with Quantitative Easing II. QE1 cost $1.7 trillion and took the underemployment rate from 10 percent to 17 percent.

The Federal Reserve is entering uncharted territory with this second phase of quantitative easing.  The public may or may not be aware that the Fed has already embarked on quantitative easing (QE1) and has grown their balance sheet by $1.7 trillion (that’s $1,700,000,000,000) by exchanging U.S. Treasuries for questionable assets including a shopping mall in […]

Oct 16 2010

The debt end game – Top 10 percent of families own an average of $700,000 in stocks while the next 15 percent own an average of $53,000. The other 75 percent are insignificant players by Wall Street standards.

The government recently announced on a slow Friday a $1.29 trillion budget deficit as if it were no big deal for the completed fiscal year.  In fact, this was spun as grand news since the previous budget deficit topped $1.4 trillion.  We are now reaching a nationwide tipping point of debt.  The U.S. Treasury and […]

Sep 22 2010

The big banking sham and how the recession is over for the top 1 percent – Top 1 percent of banks control 80 percent of banking assets while household net worth is down $12.3 trillion from the peak.

The headlines read that the recession is over.  In fact, the recession has been deemed over since June of 2009 by the National Bureau of Economic and Research (NBER).  Yet the fact of the matter is working and middle class Americans are solidly in a deep recession.  There was a town hall that was televised […]

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