Aug 3 2010

Commercial real estate maturities will peak in 2012 – $350 billion in loans coming due and hundreds of additional bank failures. Bank lending in the CRE market collapsing.

The commercial real estate disaster is sinking banks on a weekly basis.  Talk of a V-shape recovery is now largely a moot point since we are past the point of a quick and strong recovery.  The question now revolves around what we are going to face for the next few years.  Commercial real estate really […]

May 2 2010

Commercial real estate pushes $7.4 billion in FDIC Losses in one day – Hard to hear the CRE collapse with investment banks finally being called out in the court of public opinion. $3 trillion CRE market will keep Fridays busy for the FDIC.

The $3 trillion commercial real estate market is still in a state of economic turmoil.  Many people might have missed the big news on Friday given the massive spotlight on Goldman Sachs.  On Friday, the FDIC closed down 7 banks at a stunning cost of $7.4 billion to the FDIC.  As we have mentioned, the […]

Jan 26 2010

Commercial Real Estate and Tishman and Blackrock Walking Away from a $4.4 Billion CRE Deal. How to Lose 66 Percent on an 11,000 Unit Property. Why Walking Away from CRE is no different from Walking Away from Residential Real Estate.

It is becoming more of a preferred strategy to systematically walk away from commercial real estate debt.  We have now had two large Wall Street organizations in Morgan Stanley and Tishman and Blackrock Inc. deciding, by voluntary choice, to walk away from their contractual obligations on commercial real estate.  Now much has been made regarding […]

Jan 7 2010

What Isn’t Happening with the $3 Trillion Commercial Real Estate Market: Loans Falling and Vacancy Rates at Record Heights at 10 Percent.

With commercial real estate, you can learn a lot from what isn’t happening.  We all know that the $3 trillion commercial real estate market is already taking a drubbing in terms of pricing.  CRE prices are down over 40 percent from their peak elevated levels.  Yet with commercial real estate you don’t have the typical […]

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