Jun 8 2012

The banking shell game sponsored by your bailout dollars – how banks lure working and middle class Americans into losing hard earned money. $29.5 billion in overdraft fees charged last year.

Banks really have a wonderful structure in place at least when it comes to US banking.  The Federal Reserve and US Treasury have given an open ended response in terms of bailing out the banking system should any additional financial crisis should arise.  Even at the moment no real changes have occurred and this is […]

Jun 3 2012

The day the credit markets awake from a slumber – $1 trillion in consumer debt currently delinquent. Student debt continues to grow adding fuel to the higher education bubble.

With much of the attention being diverted to the cascading financial crisis in Europe something was missed in the United States.  The incredibly important quarterly consumer credit report released by the Federal Reserve highlighted some disturbing trends.  The first overall point is that the American consumer continues to deleverage.  Yet with a system built on […]

May 19 2012

Using the young as a shield for hitting the deficit spending wall – the bill will come due for the young. Government spending prioritizes old American immediate needs and will send the bill to the young.

The level of government spending is mind boggling but has taken a backseat to the issues being experienced over in Europe.  We are running trillion dollar deficits as if this was somehow customary in our history.  For each dollar spent we are seeing less of a result in the real economy.  Part of the issue […]

May 11 2012

The wrecking ball of hidden inflation and Fed based strategies – food inflation far outpacing overall inflation and eating away at the purchasing power of 46,000,000 Americans on food stamps.

The Federal Reserve has openly called for a steady growth of inflation.  This almost dogmatic view on inflation is problematic because it is detached to the lack of wage growth being experienced by working and middle class families.  What you do not hear articulated from the Fed is that they would like to encourage wage […]

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