Apr 19 2010

The Future of U.S. Housing – Projections of Household Formation, Loan Modification Data, 500,000 Option ARMs Still Active, and a Decade of Stagnation.

Take what you knew about projecting housing for the last fifty years and throw it out the window.  The big problem with using models post-World War II is that they base growth on a baby boomer population that was the largest affluent middle class cohort known to the world.  That model is now disappearing.  Some […]

Mar 30 2010

Real Estate Still Overpriced in California in many Markets and Paying your Mortgage with Unemployment Benefits – Examining Housing Values through Employment and Local Market Trends. Los Angeles has a 4.4 Income to Home Price Ratio even after a 42 Percent Price Decline.

As housing prices have collapsed from their halcyon bubble peak, many are peering out into the foreclosure landscape that is the current U.S. real estate market and are wondering if prices now fall in line with economic fundamentals.  The problem in many areas across the U.S. isn’t so much with housing prices but actual employment […]

Mar 20 2010

3 Underground Real Estate Practices Moving the Market – Short Sale Fraud, Squatter Stimulus, and Buying Before Foreclosing.

In the early days of the housing bubble here in California and other bubble states a handful of people were raising alarm bells that mortgage fraud was occurring at unprecedented levels.  The housing industry initially came out skeptically stating this was only a handful of wayward people. As it turns out, it was the vast […]

Dec 8 2009

The New Economic Misery Index: Five Sectors that Show Financial Pain for Americans. Food Stamps, Bankruptcy, Credit Access, Employment, and Housing.

Talking with a few colleagues I was reminded about a misery index used in the 1970s to measure the real feel of the stagflation hitting the country.  Today, we have a more insidious version of economic crisis because what is good for Wall Street is counter to what is good for the average American.  There […]

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