Feb 22 2014

Comparing the inflated cost of living today from 1950 to 2014: How declining purchasing power has hurt the middle class since 1950.

Inflation has a subtle eroding effect that impacts entire economies.  In the United States, we have been fortunate to have relatively stable rates of inflation for two generations.  Even in times of high inflation like the 1970s, people were able to adjust unlike places that experience uncontrolled inflation like Argentina is currently facing.  Also, wages […]

Jan 23 2014

The acceleration of a global Gilded Age: Half of the world’s wealth now owned by one percent of the population. Bottom half of world population own the same as the richest 85 people in the world.

Wealth inequality across the globe has reached epic proportions.  While many bankers roll around in piles of digital million dollar bonuses for basically adding no value to the economy, the rest of the world struggles to enter this modern economic era.  The perception is that this is only happening across the world in other nations.  […]

Jan 14 2014

When a dollar store is too expensive: Growing class of poor Americans unable to afford items at dollar stores.

You know things are tough when people face a challenge purchasing goods at dollar stores.  The dollar store economy has been robust for the last decade as the US economy has shed the weight of millions of middle class families.  As more people move down the economic ladder, these stores hit a critical niche.  I […]

Dec 30 2013

The Great Income Divide: IRS data shows 50 percent of households make less than $35,000 per year. Top 10 percent pay 68 percent of income taxes.

A major theme throughout 2013 revolved around a booming stock market and real estate sector.  Alongside this theme however was also the one of growing income inequality.  The stock market generated one of its best years but only a small portion of the population benefitted since most Americans do not own stocks outright.  The real […]

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