Sep 24 2016

Everyone thinks they are middle class: The false perceptions many Americans hold.

We have a deeply held belief in America that if you work hard enough, anything is achievable.  This is something built into the core of our nation.  If you go back to the Great Depression, while other countries were overturning systems and shifting deeply held ideology, Americans held steady and went out and voted.  The […]

May 16 2016

Once upon a time, there was a middle class: This election year will determine whether the middle class falls into obscurity.

In the not too distant past the United States had a vibrant middle class.  Prosperity for most families was the rule rather than the exception.  This didn’t happen by accident or some odd twist of luck.  It happened because as a country we setup a foundation that valued a robust middle class.  The Great Depression […]

Mar 30 2016

1 out of 3 American households can no longer afford rent, food, and transportation. The biggest rise in expenditures comes from rising housing costs.

The driving force in this political movement is anger and many American families need only look at their bank statements to understand why.  Since 2004 median income has fallen by 13% while expenditures have risen by 14% according to latest figures pulled by Pew Research.  That strikes at the heart of why the middle class […]

Feb 7 2016

Low wage recovery highlighted by 7 out of 10 jobs added in January coming from minimum wage waiters and temporary retail workers.

The unemployment rate fell below the 5 percent mark for the first time since the Great Recession wrecked havoc on the economy.  This is good news right?  Well the stock market didn’t think so for a couple of reasons.  First, this adds more fuel to pushing interest rates higher (a big expense on the $19 […]

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