Nov 3 2010

The Federal Reserve plans on exporting the U.S. middle class abroad with Quantitative Easing II. QE1 cost $1.7 trillion and took the underemployment rate from 10 percent to 17 percent.

The Federal Reserve is entering uncharted territory with this second phase of quantitative easing.  The public may or may not be aware that the Fed has already embarked on quantitative easing (QE1) and has grown their balance sheet by $1.7 trillion (that’s $1,700,000,000,000) by exchanging U.S. Treasuries for questionable assets including a shopping mall in […]

Nov 1 2010

Real estate is a bad investment does not show up in Google News and other interesting housing trends – Strategic default searches went viral in 2010. Banks betting against American homeowners.

82 percent of American households have internet access.  Of those with internet access, a large number are homeowners.  The vast majority use Google to search for many things including foreclosure advice or investigating the real estate market.  The online trends give of a sense of what is happening in the collective psyche of our country […]

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