Aug 5 2017

Taking a look at the 95 million Americans not in the labor force:  1 private sector worker is supporting every 2 Americans.

There continues to be an inordinately large number of Americans that are not in the labor force.  There are a variety of reasons as to why these Americans are not working.  Some are retired and some are disabled.  But the reality is we have a massive number of people that need to be supported either […]

Jan 22 2017

The 4 Horsemen of the US Debt Apocalypse: 80 percent of federal government operation costs go to four areas in Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, and Department of Defense.

Here is a question you probably won’t find on Jeopardy: what is the actual risk of a U.S. default on its debt?  The answer to that is none because the Federal Reserve has the magical power to create new debt to pay off old maturing debt.  Must be nice to operate beyond the normal rules […]

Apr 24 2016

Crony capitalism and the rigged system: 0.01% of households gave 33% of money raised by political parties and Congressmen. Most members of Congress are millionaires.

The system is rigged.  Like a carnival game, the odds are against you.  This isn’t something that started this year or last, but has been going on for many decades.  As long as the media was controlled in a few hands the propaganda kept most of the public in the dark.  People now have the […]

Mar 4 2016

9 charts showing Americans never recovered from the Great Recession: If you are wondering why people are so angry look no further.

The press is somewhat baffled as to why Americans are so angry this year.  The stock market seems to be doing fine (too bad most Americans don’t own stock).  Jobs are being added (too bad most jobs are in the low wage service sector).  Housing values are up (too bad the homeownership rate is down […]

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