May 6 2013

Inflation in the most important things: Inflation hitting housing, tuition, and medical services. Is the Fed reinventing another debt based bubble?

Household income is a vital measure of the overall well-being for most Americans.  This is why it is important to try to understand why overall household incomes are back to levels last seen in 1995.  This is a critical barometer that measures the health of the US middle class.  Yet we continually see the argument […]

May 5 2013

The young, educated, and massively in debt college generation: Total student debt outstanding approaches $1.1 trillion. 65 percent of all outstanding student debt held by those 39 and younger.

It is interesting to hear older politicians take the podium and wax and wane poetically how young Americans are not working hard enough or need to take responsibility for their actions in the current economy.  The reality of the situation is the recent recession has punished the young disproportionately.  The young have seen their net […]

May 2 2013

The $10 trillion question. The ever expanding central bank balance sheets: What does $10 trillion buy you in the market today?

The Federal Reserve has waded deep into uncharted territory.  The Fed has concocted new ways of monetizing debt and allowing banks to essentially expand their balance sheets with no real repercussions to the financial sector.  Of course the shrinking middle class might have something to say about this or the 47.77 million Americans on food […]

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