Nov 11 2013

The two-income trap for Americans: How dual income households are a financial necessity in a time when the median per capita wage is $27,000.

Recent Social Security data released this month revealed that income disparity is only growing in the United States.  The released figures show that the median per capita wage in the US is $27,519.  Given the costs for college, healthcare, and housing many households are simply falling out of the middle class.  The two income household […]

Apr 14 2012

Low wage America and the working poor – US has one of the highest number of employees working in low wage jobs of high paying industrialized nations. 1 out of 4 Americans employed work in jobs that pay less than $10 per hour.

Low wage jobs have been a big part of the so-called recovery.  What they also signify is a more troublesome trend that continues to eat away at the middle class in this country.  I’ve noted that the per capita average income for Americans is $25,000 and many seem to be shocked when they hear how […]

Dec 26 2011

Kabuki financial theatre – Congress net worth up 15 percent from 2004 to 2010 while the average American sees their net worth decline by 8 percent in the same timeframe. Welcome to plutocrat USA.

We truly have the best government money can buy.  From 2004 to 2010 members of Congress increased their median net worth by 15 percent while the average American saw it fall by 8 percent.  Yet this fall in net worth does little justice to the rising cost of food, energy, healthcare, and college expenses that […]

Dec 12 2011

What is the median household income in the US? A crisis spanning multiple generations and the taboo of household income.

Household income is a taboo topic even though people have a visceral enjoyment of spending their hard earned money.  As we go out and spend during this holiday season many people have absolutely no clue what other family members or neighbors make.  Some would argue that household income is absolutely private and I would agree […]

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