Jan 29 2013

Inflation unchained: US dollar down 23 percent from 2000, Tuition up 72 percent, and home values up 44 percent. Incomes adjusting for inflation are back to 1990s levels.

It is hard to believe that people in the US are still denying the obvious impact of inflation.  The slow erosion of purchasing power has occurred for many decades now.  What people tend to forget in a completely fiat based system is that the Fed can print as much money as it likes.  And they […]

Jan 24 2013

What does Detroit say about the working class in the US? City has lost over 25 percent of its population since 2000. People take scrap metal from old buildings to export to China.

One of the biggest examples of the US eroding its working class is through the example of Detroit.  The city of Detroit has lost a stunning 25 percent of its population between 2000 and 2010.  Poverty is rampant with 3 out of 5 kids living below the poverty line.  It is a startling revelation of […]

Jan 18 2013

Is the stock market a sham for the middle class? Retail investors expected to pull out $475 billion in funds. Volatility index under pricing real risks.

The stock market is largely a source of entertainment or awe for most Americans instead of being a true source of wealth.  In the United States roughly 42 percent of all financial wealth is aggregated with one percent of the population.  One third of Americans have no savings at all so for this group, the […]

Jan 10 2013

Sequestering the working and middle class – The implications of runaway debt. GDP at record levels yet nonfarm employment is 4 million below previous peak. Trillion dollar coins. Greece unemployment reaches a new record.

Gear up those printing presses.  You might be thinking that some of the policy talk coming out today is from The Onion but no, the idea of a $1 trillion coin is being discussed.  The Federal Reserve is already very willing to become a shadow bad bank and take on all the questionable assets from […]

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