Sep 7 2012

The swan song of stagflation – Gas prices up over 100 percent from 2005 and incomes are stagnant. Ignoring a $16 trillion debt headline and repackaging food to hide stagnant incomes.

If you look around your daily life you realize that your purchasing power is losing value.  For a few decades now the middle class in the United States has demonstrably shrunken like clever food packaging.  Over the last forty years we have lost 10 percent of our middle class.  Most have fallen into the lower […]

Aug 21 2012

Do not be lulled by the siren call of inflation – The slow decline in living standards. Gas is up 100 percent over last 8 years while income has fallen.

Inflation has a slow methodical way of eroding the purchasing power of what sits in your bank account.  The Federal Reserve is doing all it can to create asset inflation to allow banks to offload inflated assets onto the market so they can repent for the financial sins created during the credit bubble.  Unfortunately there […]

Jul 19 2012

The sinister nature of inflation – historic droughts push food costs up impacting 46 million Americans on food stamps. What happens when everything gets more expensive and incomes fall?

Inflation is an odd sort of economic beast.  People take it for granted that inflation will always be a part of our life sort of like a quite humming background noise.  The Federal Reserve is doing all it can to increase inflation so banks can essentially inflate their debts away.  Yet the impact for most […]

May 11 2012

The wrecking ball of hidden inflation and Fed based strategies – food inflation far outpacing overall inflation and eating away at the purchasing power of 46,000,000 Americans on food stamps.

The Federal Reserve has openly called for a steady growth of inflation.  This almost dogmatic view on inflation is problematic because it is detached to the lack of wage growth being experienced by working and middle class families.  What you do not hear articulated from the Fed is that they would like to encourage wage […]

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