Jan 17 2010

How the Average American household making $52,000 a Year is Coping while the Ultra Rich Pull Away. Examining the new Numbers on Income Distribution in the United States.

Now that tax season is rolling around average Americans are examining the implications of a difficult 2009 economy.  Yet the data on typical families shows that many Americans are falling further and further behind in this current economy.  It is sobering to realize that over 14 million American households live on $15,000 or less per […]

Dec 26 2009

Top 1 Percent Control 42 Percent of Financial Wealth in the U.S. – How Average Americans are Lured into Debt Servitude by Promises of Mega Wealth.

Many Americans are not buying the recent stock market rally.  This is being reflected in multiple polls showing negative attitudes towards the economy and Wall Street.  Wall Street is so disconnected from the average American that they fail to see the 27 million unemployed and underemployed Americans that now have a harder time believing the […]

Aug 8 2008

How to Become Wealthy: Redefining the Idea of Money in Hard Economic Times.

Learning to become wealthy is hard enough during good economic times.  It may feel downright impossible when the economy hits a slump.  It is a fascinating case study the past decade we have lived in.  The concept of “money” and “wealth” and “debt” have all been used interchangeably.  I think this is a common misconception […]

Jan 7 2008

The Leverage to Become Wealthy. Believing In Yourself to Achieve the Impossible.

You know I once asked a very wealthy VP of a Fortune 500 company what inspired him to be wealthy and his answer shocked me. “Money is a game and the man with the most notches on his belt wins.” This threw me back. I was in my late teens and wanted to become financially […]

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