Mar 13 2010

Middle Class Americans Losing Financial Ground on Retirement – As Stock Market Rebounds more Middle Class Americans Have Less Money and Fewer Jobs. How is Health Care Spending Boosting GDP a Good Thing?

As more and more data is released on this Great Recession it is becoming abundantly clear that we have two tracks people are following.  On one track where most travel, we have middle class Americans dealing with the highest unemployment in a generation while seeing their net worth dissolve.  On the other side of the […]

Mar 3 2010

The Middle Class Financial Compact Being Washed Away – Income Dilution and the Saving Disparity. 57 Million Households Live on $52,000 Per Year or Less.

The middle class is finding itself struggling to keep what was once seen as staples of a burgeoning working class in our country.  Part of this battle has come from a system that has rewarded easy finance on the backs of the working class.  Take for example residential real estate.  For decades, this was probably […]

Feb 2 2010

Stock Market Casino Royale – S&P 500 is overvalued by 100 Percent – Earnings do not Justify Current S&P 500 Levels. Financial Markets setting up for Another Correction.

When I look at the S&P 500 like most people do, you would expect that this wide cross-section of companies in the U.S. would reflect an accurate measure of the true health of industries in our economy.  Yet the S&P 500 is fully disconnected from any historical measures of valuations.  It is startling to see […]

Jan 3 2008

401(k) Investing and Retirement Planning: How to Plan for Your Future

There is a shocking statistics that 1 out of every 5 American households has a net worth of zero. Think about that for a second. The world’s most prosperous nation and 20 percent of households do not have a penny to their name when liabilities are subtracted from assets. The median net worth for families […]

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