Feb 21 2010

Quantitative Easing and the Electronic Money Printing Machine – Saying Goodbye to Historically Low Mortgage Interest Rates. Federal Reserve 95 Percent Complete on Buying $1.25 Trillion in Mortgage Backed Securities.

People forget that quantitative easing is a form of creating something out of nothing.  This extreme form of monetary policy is called upon in certain situations when central banks reach the zero bound with their funds rate like the Federal Reserve in this current crisis.  What is quantitative easing?  The Federal Reserve trying to solve […]

Feb 9 2010

The Transfer of Risk from Wall Street to Main Street – How the Bailouts Shifted 3 Gigantic Risks from Wall Street in Housing, Banks, and Jobs to Average Americans.

There is a false security in our current economy.  The belief that the current banking industry is now healthy simply because the government supports it is misguided in valuing the real risk inherent in back stopping Wall Street.  Or the idea that deposits are safe up to $250,000 in commercial banks because the FDIC seal […]

Feb 7 2010

Banking and Housing Payments Devoured the Middle Class Income – 1 out of 10 Americans on Food Stamps and how the Fed Slowly Devalued the Dollars in your Wallet.

It is a challenge to say that things are getting better when every month that goes by more Americans are losing their jobs or needing to apply for food assistance.  In the latest data for food assistance through SNAP we find that 200,000 more Americans were added to the program.  That now brings the total […]

Feb 3 2010

The Devaluation and Fight for Survival of the American Middle Class – How Three Decades has Shifted the Concentration of Financial Wealth to the top 1 Percent.

The American middle class ideal is lionized around the world.  It is the core of what has made this country great.  The land of opportunity and endless wealth so long as people worked hard enough.  It was an implicit contract workers made with this country.  Well that vision is now quickly coming under attack by […]

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