Dec 9 2008

The Main Street Economic Effect: 10 Reasons why This Recession will feel like a Minor Depression.

The investing world is full of cryptic words.  Credit default swaps.  Seasonal adjustments.  Collateralized debt obligations.  But for the average American they are interested in how the economic crisis will impact them on a personal level.  How does the actions of Wall Street impact their daily lives.

Dec 3 2008

Best Performing Investments for 2008: Can Real Estate actually be one of the Best Investments for the Year? 5 Strong Performing Areas for the Year.

Investors had very little place to hide this year.  Without a doubt, 2008 has been a tumultuous year for virtually every class of investment out there.  The stock markets are seeing one of the worsts year on record since the Great Depression losing globally, an estimated $32 trillion in market capitalization.

Nov 19 2008

The Menace that is Deflation: 5 Specific Areas Where Deflation is Already Showing up.

Be very afraid of the “D” word now making the rounds in economic circles.  Today the Federal Reserve hinted that we are now tipping into the prospect of deflation.  This is very bad from their perspective.  In fact, it is a horrifying prospect for the Federal Reserve since every action they have taken in this […]

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