Jun 15 2017

The Inflation Nightmare: How inflation is slowly consuming your income since 2000. The four horsemen of inflation include college tuition, medical care, housing, and stagnant wages.

Inflation has a slow destructive impact on your purchasing power.  Most people don’t think twice about inflation.  They just assume that the price of goods will go up because that is the way it has always been.  Yet that is not true.  The type of inflation we are seeing is debt supported inflation which has […]

May 15 2017

Amazon is annihilating the Department Store faster than you think with 80 million prime subscribers: 4 charts showing the destruction of the department store.

If you enjoy the process of shopping at department stores you may want to get it out of your system sooner rather than later.  Forget about the fact that the US has built a ridiculous amount of mall space thinking that Americans were perpetually going to only buy in-person in cavernous florescent light stores.  Amazon […]

Feb 12 2017

The most depressing chart showing US imports and exports in 2016 with top trading partners.

The manufacturing base has completely eroded in this country and one chart dramatically highlights this (shown later in the article).  It is deeply disturbing that we now have as many people working in restaurants as waiters and bartenders as we do in manufacturing.  This of course is for good reason given that you can’t export […]

Jan 29 2017

The standard wage for an American is $29,000: Social Security data reveals raw figures for the wealthiest country in the world.

All Americans pay Social Security taxes.  So looking at Social Security for income data is fairly reliable.  The new Social Security figures show that Americans continue to make a lot less than what the public tends to believe.  For example, you may have seen mainstream shows with talking heads saying that someone making $200,000 a […]

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