Aug 3 2009

The Ultimate Sucker’s Rally: Record Breaking 50 Percent Stock Market Rally in 5 Months: Extreme Market Volatility Occurs in Deep Economic Recessions and Depressions. From 676 to 1002.

Incredible.  We have never seen a stock market rally like this in all the history for the S&P 500.  In no other time has the S&P index run up nearly 50 percent in the matter of 5 months.  Extreme market volatility is the ultimate sign of market distress.  Think for a minute and ask yourself […]

Jul 23 2009

Credit Card Companies Placing Financial Landmines for American Consumers: How I lost my 4.99 Percent Fixed Rate and got it Back.

Americans have a love affair with credit cards.  Many Americans have more credit cards in their wallets than they do dollar bills.  When 8,000,000 credit cards were yanked from circulation many consumers realized that this was a new era of austerity.  Credit card debt otherwise known as revolving debt, peaked in September of 2008 at […]

Jun 28 2009

The Country that Punishes Savers: Americans Saving 7 percent of Income Putting nearly $800 Billion Annual Rate on the Sidelines. Banks offering 0 to 0.10 Percent to Borrow Your Money.

Americans are increasingly putting more and more money on the sidelines.  For the month of May Americans put away 6.9 percent of their income into savings.  Not the stock market or real estate but bona fide savings.  This is a stark contrast from the zero rates achieved back in April of 2008.  When we discussed […]

Apr 19 2009

Credit Cards and Auto Loans: $2.5 Trillion Outstanding Consumer Debt. If you can’t find a Qualified Borrower or Buyer still lend the Money.

One of the many problems that led up to the economic crisis was easy access to debt.  This included easy access to home loans, auto loans, and credit cards.  You would have a hard time finding a reputable source that would argue otherwise.  Yet in the latest release of consumer credit data from the Federal […]

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