Feb 28 2009

Is the California True Unemployment Rate at 18.47 Percent? The 10.1% Headline Number is the Highest Rate in Over a Quarter Century. 1.8 Million Workers Unemployed in one State. How Many are Partially Employed or Have Given up Looking for Work?

California is a microcosm of the entire United States.  The most populous state with a GDP of $1.8 trillion, much of what happens in California does spread throughout the country.  California’s employment situation is deteriorating at a breathtaking speed.  The latest employment numbers were released after the bell closed on Friday, which now seems to […]

Feb 12 2009

Monthly Foreclosures and the Dreaded Road Ahead: On Path to another 3,000,000+ Foreclosures for 2009. 1 out of Every 173 Homes Received a Foreclosure Filing in California. 8,800 Foreclosure Filings a Day in the United States.

Foreclosures filings in past economic downturns were usually driven by job losses or contractions in the economy.  In our current recession we had an interesting dynamic in that many foreclosures were caused by the actual mortgages given to borrowers.  This of course spurred the housing bubble but more importantly, positioned a double whammy for our […]

Jan 24 2009

Orange County Jobs: The Real OC, Companies Cutting Jobs Since the Recession Started in California.

Southern California’s most expensive area, Orange County is not immune from the current economic downturn.  The employment situation is dire across the state with the current unemployment rate spiking to 9.3% in December from a rate of 8.4% in November.  The speed of job losses is increasing in a state with a deeply troubled housing […]

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