Dec 1 2011

When the clock strikes 12 – the midnight economy of food assistance. Millions of people shop on the first of the month because electronic food assistance cards are credited. The lost wages of a decade and a Fed determined to bailout the world.

We have a serious economic crisis on our hands and the media simply fails to acknowledge it.  You might be waking up to the first of the month thinking the wheels of the economy are fine.  Yet silently, millions of Americans drive into mega supercenters like Wal-Mart only to wait for their monthly allotments of […]

Nov 14 2011

Crisis of generations – younger Americans moving back home in large numbers. Student loan default rates surging largely due to for-profit college expansion.

The United States has over 4,000 college institutions many which have been raising tuition and fees far faster than the overall rate of inflation.  Combine this with a younger and poorer population and you have a recipe for massive debt serfdom.  As the recession drags painfully on, being the deepest and longest economic contraction since […]

Nov 7 2011

The economic treadmill is throwing millions out of the middle class and into poverty. In 2010 75 percent of unemployed received unemployment benefits while today it is down to 48 percent. From unemployment to food stamps.

The economy is being pulled apart from the center as if two mighty horses on both sides were set to run in opposite directions of the financially strapped middle class.  This seems to be the current trajectory of our economic progress.  The ranks of the poor continue to grow while the financial sector continues to […]

Nov 3 2011

Un-preparing the future with the higher education bubble – graduating students with more debt and with degrees that have little demand in the marketplace. For-profits now account for nearly 10 percent of all undergraduate enrollment when in 1997-98 they accounted for 3 percent.

The higher education bubble only continues to spiral out of control because the profits are so good for the massive banking industry that is pushing student loan debt to the trillion dollar level.  At the same time the return on investment in education has been slowly diluted as more for-profit degrees enter the market place […]

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