Sep 15 2012

QE3 into infinity and stagflation – Federal Reserve now purchasing over 50 percent of MBS and planning on buying $40 billion per month into infinity.

The Federal Reserve is playing with financial fire here.  The last employment report was terribly weak and no amount of spinning can make it good.  The drop was largely based on hundreds of thousands of Americans dropping out of the labor force.  Is that really a positive sign?  Last week we received data from the […]

Aug 17 2012

Healthcare jobs expand servicing many older Americans with little to no savings – Since the recession started top employment fields related to healthcare. Over 10 million Americans no longer in the labor force.

Get used to sluggish growth.  Although the political season is in full force and every candidate is promising you unicorns and roads to utopia if you vote for them, the reality is we have some built in challenges that neither party can easily fix.  The unemployment rate has trickled lower thanks to lower wage jobs […]

Aug 2 2012

A crushing blow to male earnings – From 1969 to 2009 male earnings have fallen by 28 percent. The slow decline of the American middle class.

The contraction of the US middle class continues to roll along.  There are major generational rifts that are hitting the economy.  For example between 1960 and 2009 the number of men working fulltime has fallen from 83 percent to 66 percent.  A large number of people are categorized under “not making formal wages” and this […]

Jul 29 2012

Ph.D. in food stamps – the rise of food stamp usage among those with advanced degrees. Record number of households on food stamps.

t is hard to declare a recovery when a record 22.3 million households are now on food assistance.  The latest data shows that 46.5 million Americans are still relying on SNAP, the food assistance program, to get by each month.  Since this data lags, we see that in May we added 77,000 jobs but added […]

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