Oct 30 2012

European Union reaches highest unemployment rate since crisis started – Spain hits 25 percent unemployment rate for first time. The missing EU crisis headlines.

During the height of the US Great Depression, the unemployment rate stood at 25 percent.  This was a devastating experience for our economy and shifted policies and geopolitics for decades to come.  So when you have the European Union, the world’s largest trading bloc with two countries experiencing unemployment rates of 25 percent people should […]

Oct 13 2012

The math on US income – if you call something the middle make sure you are using math. The surprising details on median household income and per capita wages.

People have a hard time wrapping their minds around household and personal income.    It is an easy enough concept to understand but some throw around terminology that confuses the facts.  For example $250,000 is not middle class income if we define it from a strictly mathematical model.  The median household income in the US is […]

Oct 9 2012

The sound of rumbling from the student debt bubble – Jump in consumer credit last month came mostly from student debt growth. For two decades student debt expanded at a rate above 17 percent per year.

The flashing alert signs permeating from the higher education bubble should give people pause to the next flavor of the day bubble.  This month information was released regarding consumer credit growth.  Most of the headlines took this as positive economic news but digging deeper into the data we realize that the bulk of the growth […]

Sep 27 2012

How the Fed bluffs the financial system – Labor force participation back to levels last seen over three decades ago. Fed policy aims at pushing US dollar lower.

The US is facing a long trend of aging Americans entering into retirement or what can be viewed as life post-work.  The vision of sitting on the sand in some resort villa is largely a dream.  Nearly half of American when they leave this world go out broke like a country western song.  Today as […]

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