Oct 30 2012

European Union reaches highest unemployment rate since crisis started – Spain hits 25 percent unemployment rate for first time. The missing EU crisis headlines.

During the height of the US Great Depression, the unemployment rate stood at 25 percent.  This was a devastating experience for our economy and shifted policies and geopolitics for decades to come.  So when you have the European Union, the world’s largest trading bloc with two countries experiencing unemployment rates of 25 percent people should […]

Jun 28 2012

The contagion of the European Union and banking debt – 20 European Banks have liabilities above 50 percent of their home country GDP. Why an EU FDIC is highly unlikely in the short-term.

The crisis in Europe is boiling over yet again.  The central connecting factor of all of this is too much debt relative to production.  Debt in itself is not a bad thing.  If you borrow modestly for a home and have sufficient income to cover your mortgage payment then this might actually be beneficial.  When […]

