Nov 27 2015

Are Millennials as broke as the media says they are? The answer is a resounding yes for the following reasons.

If you type in “characteristics of the Millennial generation” into trusty Google you will find a list of interesting headlines.  Some of the titles given to Millennials are: Generation Y, Generation WE, The Boomerang Generation, and The Peter Pan Generation.  Part of this stems from the way many were raised by baby boomers who were […]

Oct 25 2015

Half of Millennials live at home with parents: The economy still feels like it is in a deep recession for millions of Millennials.

The Great Recession officially ended in the summer of 2009.  That was a long time ago.  Yet somehow along the windy road, Millennials are not feeling the love from this so-called economic recovery.  Millennials continue to graduate with mountains of student loan debt coming out with an average of $30,000 per graduate.  Millennials are struggling […]

Jun 18 2014

Generation R – Millennials are largely living at home or opting to rent. What happens when homeownership is less accessible to younger Americans?

There is a big challenge when someone comes of age during an economic crisis. Millennials, the children of baby boomers born between 1982 and 2000 have largely grown into an economy that was fully in shambles. This is a generation that grew up with parents talking about the middle class as if it were a […]

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