Sep 5 2014

The return of the stock market bubble: In a world with clear risk, investors are acting as if the market is completely risk free.

Some investors tend to believe the stock market is a perfect and balanced barometer of the underlying economy.  Even with the recent bubbles in technology stocks and real estate, some still have this misguided assumption that stock values are always priced right.  Most of the movement in the market is being driven by institutional investors […]

Sep 1 2014

Student debt becoming a larger albatross for economic growth: $1.2 trillion in student debt is outstanding and many college graduates working in jobs that don’t require their degree.

There was a time when going to college made sense in every feasible way. It made sense professionally, economically, and many college graduates have a wonderful time in the process of completing their degrees. Most would argue that learning is vital in growing and moving forward. Yet students need to ask whether their return on […]

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