Jan 28 2018

You have been lied to about inflation and here is the proof:  Take a look at where we have gone since 2000 to today.

I know it might be hard to believe but the way we measure inflation understates the true devaluation of your purchasing power.  You feel it by how much tighter your budget is or by your perception of the cost of items going up.  Inflation is actually rather high and it has been inflamed thanks to […]

Jan 11 2018

Cryptocurrency Bubble or new Paradigm?  When $100 billion in market cap evaporates overnight and the rise of new currencies.

The market cap of crypto currencies hit over $830 billion and seemed to be on pace to reaching $1 trillion.  This week South Korea openly discussed closing down exchanges since it felt there was excessive speculation in the crypto currency markets.  It is hard to argue with that when you look at the rise of […]

Dec 21 2017

Americans have no savings and with very good reason:  housing, education, and health care have seen extraordinary inflation while wages are stagnant.

It has now become a daily ritual in which story after story of broke Americans plaster the web.  Yet somehow on the mainstream press, very little is discussed about this topic.  Americans are largely broke because inflation is vey real.  Housing, education, and health care costs have soared out of control while wages have remained […]

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Nov 26 2017

Largest employer in each U.S. state:  In 22 states Walmart is the largest employer.

With the holiday season comes the usual mindless shopping and stampedes of people looking for that blowout sale.  If you have any doubt about how far we have slid into a low wage nation just look at the largest employer data for each state.  Walmart is the largest employer in 22 states.  Instead of the […]

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