Jan 2 2009

The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Determined to Sink the U.S. Dollar in 2009. Why Gold and U.S. Dollar went up in 2008.

2008 will go down in history as the worst global market for countless investments since the Great Depression.  It was significant even with the late rally which occurred after the November bottom.  What this signifies is that market volatility a sign of a very unhealthy marketplace will continue in 2009.  Yet the more important point […]

Dec 18 2008

How Does Oil Impact the Economy? 3 Major Areas of Economic Consequence: The Impact on Inflation, Consumer Spending, and Auto Sales.

2008 will go down as the year with the highest market volatility.  Crisis after crisis seemed to hit us like a continuous barrage of waves from the ocean of economic news.  The housing market continued to collapse resembling a housing market so weak, we have to go back to the Great Depression to find a […]

Dec 13 2008

Recessions: The Last 5 Recessions and Measuring how long we will have job losses. This will be the worst recession since World War II.

Forecasting is a tricky road to walk on in the investing world.  That is why trying to predict future job losses is more of an educated guess.  In fact, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) only recently stated that we were in fact in a recession.  I have put out an estimate that by […]

Dec 9 2008

The Main Street Economic Effect: 10 Reasons why This Recession will feel like a Minor Depression.

The investing world is full of cryptic words.  Credit default swaps.  Seasonal adjustments.  Collateralized debt obligations.  But for the average American they are interested in how the economic crisis will impact them on a personal level.  How does the actions of Wall Street impact their daily lives.

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