Oct 20 2011

Crossing the student debt point of no return – for-profit colleges have default rates now rivaling subprime mortgage debt. $1 trillion in student loan debt on the horizon while college graduate wages fall for the decade.

The student loan market is back in the news as it makes its unrelenting march to the $1 trillion mark.  This crippling figure comes in the face of a decade of lost wages for middle class Americans.  Just like the housing bubble people were supplementing a disappearing middle class with more debt.  The allure of […]

Oct 25 2010

Debt U – 4,800 colleges and universities in the U.S. and many are putting students into massive amounts of debt. The higher education bubble is getting to a point of bursting.

A few months ago a troubling milestone was passed.  In the United States college loan debt outstanding has surpassed credit card debt.  As of June 2010 $829 billion in student loan debt was outstanding compared to $826 billion in credit card debt.  Higher education by looking at a handful of metrics is clearly in a […]

