The Existential Crisis for Colleges: $1.64 Trillion in Student Debt and a Pandemic.
The fall season for those with teenagers exploring college options can be one filled with anxiety and uncertainty in more stable times. This is anything but a stable time. We have college tuition spiraling out of control for well over two decades while a pandemic forced students to learn online away from carefully manicured campuses. […]
Is going to college worth it? College tuition has increased at a faster rate than housing, energy, food, and medical care costs over the last decade.
For an entire generation it was an easy question to answer. Is college worth it? Absolutely. There was little debate regarding the “worth†of a college education. Of course this question was usually asked during more affordable times and not when $1.2 trillion in student debt was out sloshing about in the economy.  I think […]
When does college become too expensive? Tuition growth continues to outpace income growth and the student debt bubble continues to expand with the vast majority of debt going to the young.
When does college become too expensive? Will there be a bell going off like during a boxing match? What is the price tag that makes getting an education too expensive? It is obvious in the current economy that many prospective students cannot afford a college education without going into joint breaking levels of debt. Many […]
Educated and unemployed – majority of unemployed Americans attended some college. Top degrees in fields with little employment demand.
The higher education bubble is racing along to a tipping point especially when the value of a college education is now being questioned on multiple fronts. One of the more prominent arguments being thrown around is the return on investment or value of a college degree especially when the costs of attending a private institution […]