Jun 24 2009

$100,000 a Year Will Make you Go Broke with the California Tax System: Why California is a Fiscal Disaster. Broken Tax Structure built on Bubbles.

It is amazing how little attention on a national scale the California debacle is getting.  California alone is the 8th largest economy in the world and contributes $1.8 trillion a year to the national GDP.  In the mainstream press, all you hear is sound bites of “there goes California” yet the state is teetering on […]

Mar 22 2009

Banking Transparency Gone: The Federal Reserve has been Slowly Moving to more Archaic Forms of Creating Credit. New Plan Will Subsidize Casino Loans for Investors with Taxpayer Money.

While the public is exercising a Freudian fixation on the A.I.G. scandal, misguidedly thinking that A.I.G. is an American company in the sense of G.M. or Ford (it is not although many Americans see a Rorschach American company), the Federal Reserve just decided to increase its balance sheet by $1.2 trillion.  This unprecedented action was […]

