Jan 13 2011

The road least pillaged – S&P 500 up 90 percent from bottom but housing values down 30 percent nationwide. Wealthy store most of their wealth in stocks while most Americans have their net worth in housing. 2010 record year in foreclosures and the upcoming lost decade in housing.

There are few investments in the US that are so heavily subsidized like housing.  Residential and commercial real estate included benefit from favorable government policies to increase demand.  Some of these policies may have merit but a large part of the housing market has been injected with so many perks that the true value of […]

Jan 9 2011

A lesson in college debt – Student loan debt increasing at a rate of $170,000 per minute. Student loan debt will hit $1 trillion in 2012. For-profit schools take the place of subprime mortgages.

College loosely defined is an educational institution or as we are now seeing in the US a place where young people go to dive into a pool of debt.  A college education was never a guarantee to a lucrative and well paying career.  In a time when the middle class was more robust college was […]

Dec 31 2010

Credit card withdrawal – Banks pull the plug on consumer revolving debt. Credit card debt outstanding contracts from nearly $1 trillion to $800 billion. Bankruptcies on the rise even with tougher bankruptcy laws.

When people talk about the credit bubble they typically refer to the housing bubble and the trillions of dollars of debt secured by real estate. Yet the credit bubble also applies to student loans, government debt, and those pesky wallet hugging credit cards.  The American economy has embraced credit cards as quickly as apple pie […]

Dec 18 2010

Federal Reserve is the primary tool of the new financial oligarchy – The ultimate banking clearing house with zero oversight from the people still holds over $2 trillion on its balance sheet.

The Federal Reserve system (the Fed for short) is the US central banking system.  The Fed was created in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act.  In the beginning the Fed had limited powers and its mission was limited.  According to the Fed its mission today is to conduct monetary policy, supervise and […]

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