Feb 15 2011

Collective financial insanity – FDIC backing $5.4 trillion in total deposits on pure faith – US banking operating with negative deposit insurance fund and massive debt leverage. The greatest Ponzi scheme known in the financial world.

People psychologically are programmed to believe in financial realities that benefit their own cause even if they have no merit in empirical data.  Many also forget that banks, especially the investment kind have a notorious track record of running amok when allowed to.  The FDIC and US banking is a perfect example of a system […]

Feb 8 2011

The Food Bubble – the financial cost of feeding the world. Feeding 219,000 more people every night. Wheat prices up 8 percent for the year.

The word bubble has taken on an entirely new meaning thanks to the global housing bubble.  Yet we have experienced bubbles in other areas outside of real estate.  During the 1990s the nation experienced a technology bubble.  That was followed shortly by a housing bubble.  Both of these have burst.  Yet we still have other […]

Feb 5 2011

Economic chicanery – Social Security financial headwinds, another 395,000 Americans added to food stamp assistance in latest month of data, and manipulating the unemployment rate.

The dichotomous American economy is cracking like old paint into two distinct factions.  For a few solid decades after World War II we had a burgeoning middle class, a smaller financial elite, and those who still struggled financially.  The main objective however was to get as many people into the secure middle class.  Today the […]

Jan 25 2011

The downsizing of America – Oil production off 1980s peak and manufactures learn creative methods of repackaging inflation.

There is a slow burn going on and it is happening in your wallet and also in the gas tank of your car.  The US Treasury and Federal Reserve have made it their mission to slowly cut the value of each one of those green dollars you have.  Since many Americans are struggling to make […]

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