Nov 9 2010

Dark Ages for a modern Middle Class – Modern day debt serfdom and rising prices not seen through the consumer price index. Coffee up 50 percent for the year.

Most Americans enjoy a good cup of coffee.  Yet very few realize that coffee futures are now up over 50 percent for 2010.  Creative packaging that includes smaller quantities but offers the same price helps delude many Americans into thinking their dollar still has the purchasing power of better days.  This all occurs in a […]

Oct 30 2010

Income disequilibrium – The top 74 Americans earned an average of $518 million in the economic troubling year of 2009. Top 1 percent earned 14 percent of all earnings in 2009 versus 11 percent in 1989.

The disappearing middle class in the United States is a troubling consequence of the culmination of economic and political policies of many decades.  There is a sense, and probably why so much frustration is out in the country, that the once comfortable life of being middle class is slowly slipping through our hands.  The American […]

Oct 25 2010

Debt U – 4,800 colleges and universities in the U.S. and many are putting students into massive amounts of debt. The higher education bubble is getting to a point of bursting.

A few months ago a troubling milestone was passed.  In the United States college loan debt outstanding has surpassed credit card debt.  As of June 2010 $829 billion in student loan debt was outstanding compared to $826 billion in credit card debt.  Higher education by looking at a handful of metrics is clearly in a […]

Oct 24 2010

How the mortgage interest deduction subsidizes the spending of wealthy families at the expense of middle class families. Average California mortgage deduction for filers is over $18,000 versus $9,900 in Texas.

One of the sacred cows of our economy revolves around the mortgage interest tax deduction.  Home buying is heavily subsidized in the United States.  The Federal Reserve has injected trillions of dollars in purchasing mortgage backed securities and other questionable assets all for the purpose of keeping interest rates low.  Yet this is one area […]

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