Mar 23 2010

How the Middle Class Slowly Evaporated in the Last 40 Years – Loss of Manufacturing, Bank Deregulation, Hyper Consumption, and Short-term Profit Seeking from Wall Street.

Some like to think that the middle class has always been a fixture of American society.  In fact, the rise of a steady and strong middle class didn’t happen until after World War II.  Clearly people can’t look at the economically painful Great Depression, which rampaged the nation from 1929 to 1939 as a good […]

Mar 15 2010

The Weakest Bang for our Wilting Dollar – How we Overpaid for the Bailouts and were left with a Wilting Economy Propped up by Government Spending. Paying $446,000 Per Loan Modification and $43,000 for Homes that were already going to be Purchased.

So much horrible policy has occurred since the economy entered recession that the majority of Americans are shell shocked with each day of news.  It used to be that a billion dollars in toxic assets was enough to garner some movement out of the market.  Now, we talk about trillion dollar deficits as if they […]

Mar 13 2010

Middle Class Americans Losing Financial Ground on Retirement – As Stock Market Rebounds more Middle Class Americans Have Less Money and Fewer Jobs. How is Health Care Spending Boosting GDP a Good Thing?

As more and more data is released on this Great Recession it is becoming abundantly clear that we have two tracks people are following.  On one track where most travel, we have middle class Americans dealing with the highest unemployment in a generation while seeing their net worth dissolve.  On the other side of the […]

Mar 6 2010

Squeezing the Last Drop of Productivity from the American Working Class – 18 Percent National Underemployment and why Wall Street and the Government are Cheering Your Financial Failure.

The American financial press cheered on Friday when “only” 36,000 jobs were lost in February.  This if you haven’t noticed now passes for good economic news.  The unemployment rate remained unchanged because the actual workforce continued to show a decline yet Wall Street somehow viewed this as positive developments.  And why not?  The middle class […]

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