Jul 24 2011

Does inflation even matter? The growing secrecy of the CPI and how average Americans face budget squeezes through financial maneuvering and the chained CPI.

Things seem to be progressively getting worse for the middle class as most of the debt ceiling talks revolve on sticking it to working Americans as if they were financially able to handle any more austerity moving forward.  While the too big to fail banks swim around in pools of bailout money like Scrooge McDuck […]

May 29 2011

The secretive workings of the central banking syndicate – Federal Reserve balance sheet reaches another record. Fighting monetary inflation by creating it.

Central banks provide a mystical approach to solving economic problems although they were initially created to solve short-term financial panics.  The first central bank was the Bank of England which was established in 1694.  It started out as a private institution but eventually took on a monopoly over all banks in England (all private banks […]

Apr 23 2011

Student loan shark industry – total revolving debt contracts during recession while student loan debt increases by a stunning 80 percent on an annual basis. A college degree for working at McDonald’s?

College sticker shock is probably stunning many parents as college aged students now sign their intent to register at thousands of schools across the country.  You can almost feel the panic when Johnny or Suzie tells mommy and daddy she is going to University of Break the Bank while they watch their home equity plummet.  […]

Feb 19 2011

Federal Reserve ultimate protector of the banking class – Fed Reserve sends a thank you to American middle class and world for bailing out the banks with a gift of inflation. MIT chart tracking millions of items shows much higher inflation than CPI.

The Federal Reserve has one clear mandate.  That mandate involves protecting the biggest investment and commercial banks on Wall Street at the expense of the American people.  This deflation of quality of life is being felt in the most clandestine and subtle ways like a shift in the wind.  The Federal Reserve through archaic money […]

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