Apr 6 2008

Money Markets, CDs, 401ks, and Savings Accounts that Lose Against Inflation: A Society that Punishes Savers.

One of the unintended consequences of this housing market is the punishment conservative savers are taking. Last month we had the rather astonishing release of data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics telling us for the month, that inflation was at 0 percent. As disconnected as this is from reality, there is a reason […]

Feb 12 2008

The Housing Mindset: Investing in the Habits for Success and Facing a Tough Economy.

Having a wealthy mindset does not mean that you have to be living in Pollyanna. If you selectively choose to only read positive information and shelve the negative, you will fail to miss the point of a holistic and diverse investing mindset. Wise investors realize that money can be made in up and down markets. […]

Jan 13 2008

Recession Investing: Where to Invest When the Market is Going Down.

It isn’t a secret that the overall economy is entering into a rough patch. The declining housing market, poor retail sales, and overall debt are breaking the back of the economic machine that is the U S of A. As an investor, what can you do to protect your wealth during these hard times? First, […]

Jan 5 2008

How to Become a Millionaire! Steps in Achieving Financial Wealth.

So you want to become a millionaire? You’ve always had the desire to be financially secure but the task seems simply overwhelming. There are a few ways in becoming extremely rich. One of them includes being born into wealth and chances are, this may not be you. Plus, you don’t have much of a say […]

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