May 20 2011

The Federal Reserve’s elaborate financial charade on the American people – Big banks hold excess reserves that represent 10 percent of U.S. GDP. Federal Reserve has failed on largest goals for our economy.

The antics of our Federal Reserve rival those of the now disgraced IMF chief although they won’t grab as many gossip headlines.  The Federal Reserve has fashioned a system that has allowed economic bubbles to surface every very few years like high school reunions.  Bubbles are not normal.  These are financial disequilibrium events that occur […]

May 6 2011

Banking in darkness – FDIC system insures over $7 trillion in deposits with a dwindling insurance fund. Americans are offered close to zero percent interest rates to stuff their money into this banking vortex.

The American banking system is based on pure faith.  Usually when the topic comes up in conversation I will ask someone if they know what backs the green cash in their wallet.  One of the common responses is “there is gold in Fort Knox” or another typical response is that it is backed by U.S. […]

May 4 2011

Financial raiders and the loss of the American middle class. 5 charts showing the slow erosion of the middle class in America. 12 states have underemployment rates above 17 percent, insiders selling out, Great Recession in perspective, and a race to the financial bottom.

The current economy is built on a flashy digital casino interface and most of the middle class in the United States is at risk of moving backwards in the coming years.  Millions have already fallen a few rungs lower on the economic ladder.  The stock market no longer benefits the buy and hold investor but […]

May 2 2011

The covert bailing out of the commercial real estate industry by the Federal Reserve. How the Fed bails out ritzy hotels and empty shopping malls on the back of taxpayer dollars.

Part of the success that the Federal Reserve has achieved with boosting up large banks stems from its secretive ability to forge shadow bailouts of residential and commercial real estate loans.  The more secretive of the previous two comes from the commercial real estate (CRE) industry.  During the height of the housing mania in the […]

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