Jul 17 2011

Manias, implosions, and financial disasters – the unsustainable nature of our current debt based financial system.

Trying to induce inflation to reduce accumulated debt is not a modern invention.  Dr. Carmen Reinhart and Dr. Kenneth Rogoff trace this kind of financial crisis and others back to the Dionysius of Syracuse during the 4th century.  The debasement of currency also occurred in the Roman empire and Byzantine empire and as usual printing […]

Jul 10 2011

Working for less – Aggregate hours worked in U.S. economy from all workers moves back to February 1999 levels. 25 million Americans out of work or looking for full-time work as middle class continues to shrink.

The economy continues to sputter along and the weak employment report only adds more doubt for a summer recovery.  As if the American worker was in a position to support more economic bad news?  Many are now looking at new methods of measuring employment in our economy since the headline unemployment rate has failed to […]

Jun 15 2011

The systematic financial pillaging of the middle class – Millionaires don’t feel rich unless they have $7.5 million while 45 million Americans live on food stamps. Another 50 percent cannot come up with $2,000 in the next 30 days.

For over 30 years the debilitating shrinkage of the middle class has been papered over with access and use of debt.  Debt in every form; mortgage debt, credit card debt, auto loans, and student loans.  Yet debt is not wealth.  Americans are facing a financially nightmare where 1 out of 3 has no savings.  This […]

Jun 12 2011

Stealing from Americans via strip malls and raw land – Commercial real estate reaches a new post-bubble low. A lost decade in commercial real estate values.

The commercial real estate (CRE) bubble is popping with dire consequences.  It is not uncommon for people to be in the complete dark when it comes to CRE.  Just ask a friend or family member what they know about the CRE market.  The mainstream media has absolutely failed to report on this $3 trillion market […]

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