Jan 28 2014

Why millions of Americans will never retire: How the prospect of retirement went from a realistic goal to an outrageous dream for most American families.

Retirement was presented to many Americans as some kind of middle class rite of passage.  It was odd to see so many fall under the spell of easy riches and generous retirement math presented to the public from the Wall Street financing machine.  Many saw retirement as a distant object so far into the future […]

Jan 23 2014

The acceleration of a global Gilded Age: Half of the world’s wealth now owned by one percent of the population. Bottom half of world population own the same as the richest 85 people in the world.

Wealth inequality across the globe has reached epic proportions.  While many bankers roll around in piles of digital million dollar bonuses for basically adding no value to the economy, the rest of the world struggles to enter this modern economic era.  The perception is that this is only happening across the world in other nations.  […]

Jan 8 2014

Say hello to my little friend, inflation: Shrinking packages, higher tuition, rising healthcare costs, real estate values jumping all the while household incomes remain stagnant.

Only those deep in denial think that inflation is not occurring in the economy.  You only need to look back 10 years to see how nutty things have become.  Is the price of a car more or less than it was 10 years ago?  How about the price of tuition?  Real estate?  Healthcare?  Inflation is […]

Dec 22 2013

Comparing the inflated cost of living today from 1938 to 2013: How the US Dollar has lost incredible purchasing power since 1938.

Money is only as useful as to what it can purchase.  The Fed has created a system where debt is now equal to money.  This is why big purchases like cars, housing, and even going to college are only feasible by mortgaging your future for many decades.  Since the payments are broken down into tiny […]

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