Dec 12 2008

How to get out of Debt: Can it be the American Consumer is Contributing to Deflation by Paying off Debt?

The Federal Reserve flow of funds report was issued this week and for the first time since 1951, when records started being kept household debt has actually declined.  The larger meaning of this?  Many Americans simply cannot take on anymore debt.  What it also means is that many Americans are more reluctant to take on […]

Dec 11 2008

Investing in the Future: Deflation in daily need items yet education and healthcare still go up? What is happening in our economy?

It is rather stunning how quickly deflation has appeared in the mainstream media.  When it comes to reporting this financial mess, the media has really done a poor job doing thorough reporting or at least investigating this matter carefully.  Wouldn’t you think that a piece of the financial puzzle this big in size would require […]

Dec 9 2008

The Main Street Economic Effect: 10 Reasons why This Recession will feel like a Minor Depression.

The investing world is full of cryptic words.  Credit default swaps.  Seasonal adjustments.  Collateralized debt obligations.  But for the average American they are interested in how the economic crisis will impact them on a personal level.  How does the actions of Wall Street impact their daily lives.

Dec 8 2008

58% of Modified Mortgages Re-default after 8 Months: Why are Loan Modifications not Working?

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released data today showing that over half of modified mortgages are back in default after only 6 months.  More startling data is that 36 percent of the borrowers re-defaulted after only 3 months.  What this is telling us is that modifications are not helping to buffer the […]

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