Apr 15 2011

Meet the new financial boss, same as the old financial boss – Commercial real estate bailout implicates Federal Reserve as Fed balance sheet balloons to $2.7 trillion. CRE values down $3 trillion from their 2008 peak.

Commercial real estate (CRE) is still benefitting from a large shadow bailout by the Federal Reserve.  This isn’t some secretive move since the Fed actually publishes data on this and is available to anyone in the public with a desire to shuffle through the mounds of information.  There has been virtually no media coverage on […]

Mar 29 2011

Federal Reserve silently grows balance sheet to approximately $2.75 trillion by a shadow bailout of residential real estate and commercial real estate. The continuing hidden CRE bailout imperils future economic growth.

The biggest silent financial bailout going on in the nation revolves around commercial real estate.  Commercial real estate (CRE) values have plummeted $3 trillion from their peak in 2008.  While residential real estate values peaked in 2006 CRE waited two more years before moving lower.  The two year lagged occurred because many banks, especially local […]

Feb 23 2011

The financial disaster of continuing to bailout commercial real estate through the shadows of Federal Reserve jargon. Why you haven’t heard of this trillion dollar bailout.

The media has done a fantastic job painting over the enormous sinkhole of a problem that is commercial real estate (CRE).  U.S. banks hold over $3 trillion in commercial real estate loans on properties that were once valued at over $6 trillion.  Today those values are down to roughly $3 to $3.5 trillion depending on […]

Dec 21 2010

Las Vegas is to the real estate bubble what Detroit was to the US automobile industry – Empty condo projects, apartments poorly built to face the desert sun, and the collapse of commercial real estate.

If Wall Street is the hub of American finance then Las Vegas was the manifestation of credit dreams going viral.  Las Vegas, the beating heart of Nevada had a tremendous boom with the real estate bubble because it played into the narrative of making it big.  Where else can unknowns strike it big and have […]

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