Mar 6 2011

Financial dismantling of the American middle class in 8 charts – Peak debt, credit card addiction withdrawal, banks hoarding cash, financial sector dominance in pay, Federal debt will never be paid off, and struggles of the middle class.

The American economy runs on high octane debt.  Debt has been welcomed by many with open arms and things seemed to be going well until people realized they actually had to pay the debt back.  Average Americans trying to keep up with the picket white fence image of Leave it to Beaver were largely relying […]

Mar 1 2011

The big financial lie – How growing income inequality, too big to fail banks, and stock market delusion swindled the American public and dissolved the middle class.

The American banking system has spread systemic risk all across the economy with laser point precision but very few are even aware of this grim reality.  It would seem that only those who understand the system from the cavernous inside and have little to lose can actually speak out against the system as they see […]

Feb 25 2011

Banking Mammoths – Top 10 U.S. banks have $11 trillion of the $13 trillion in total banking assets. The problem? We have over 7,650 banks. The banking oligopoly leads to a concentration of wealth at the top.

The too big to fail problem is still an issue that needs to be dealt with even though many would like to ignore it like a big dark secret. The FDIC is holding up a system with $5.4 trillion in deposits and no deposit insurance fund. I know a lot of Americans have a hard […]

Feb 23 2011

The financial disaster of continuing to bailout commercial real estate through the shadows of Federal Reserve jargon. Why you haven’t heard of this trillion dollar bailout.

The media has done a fantastic job painting over the enormous sinkhole of a problem that is commercial real estate (CRE).  U.S. banks hold over $3 trillion in commercial real estate loans on properties that were once valued at over $6 trillion.  Today those values are down to roughly $3 to $3.5 trillion depending on […]

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