Jul 16 2009

Bankruptcy Filings up 33 Percent over a 12-month Period: Total 12-month Total of Bankruptcy Filings 1.2 Million. In last Report, Filings up 27 Percent in one month.

Bankruptcy filings are soaring in the United States.  In the last data point, we had 134,282 bankruptcy filings for the month of March 2009.  Bankruptcy data usually lags 3 or 4 months but the trend is ominous.  For the last 12 months some 1.2 million bankruptcy filings have occurred.  Much of this is linked to […]

Jun 30 2009

Credit Card Addicted Nation: How Americans have Pushed Themselves off the Fiscal Cliff. $931 Billion in Credit Card Debt Outstanding.

Credit cards were developed as a form of convenience and not another stream of household income.  The first major use in the United States started in the 1920s when it was used for the purposes of fueling the expanding auto owner population.  Bank of America created the BankAmericard in 1958 which later became the Visa […]

Jun 22 2009

California Foreclosure Prevention Act: Creating an Army of Lifetime Renters in California.

On June 15th California implemented another foreclosure moratorium.  The California Foreclosure Prevention Act (CFPA) was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger which adds another 90 days to the foreclosure process.  If you recall, a similar law was put into place in 2008 and turned out to be an utter failure.  So what do we do?  […]

Jun 4 2009

Credit Card Debt Obsession: Americans Unwilling to Give up Plastic. Bankruptcies and the Credit Card Addiction.

The banking crisis with mortgages at the center, has taken much of the economic headline news over the past two years.  Yet there is a brewing problem in the credit card markets.  Credit card debt is now becoming another bubble itching to burst.  The meteoric rise in bankruptcies is simply a reflection that Americans have […]

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