Mar 12 2013

An economy of peak food stamp usage, peak Dow, and peak Debt: What does it say about our economy that at the same time the Dow Jones hits a peak, we have the highest percentage of Americans on food stamps?

It is a dichotomy that speaks to the current state of our economy.  Food stamp usage has peaked at the very same time that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is setting new highs.  Of course, the Dow is setting new nominal highs but still has a way to go to catch up to the eroding […]

Mar 9 2013

Inflation eats away the new peak in stock market: Dow is down 11 percent since 2000 adjusting for inflation. Looking at the stock market and the impact of inflation.

The Dow has now reached a new peak.  The media is prancing up and down like a giddy school girl as if this had a significant impact on the bottom line for most Americans.  Don’t let the details out that many companies have increased their bottom line by squeezing wages and cutting worker benefits.  Yet […]

Mar 6 2013

Debt based delusion: Fed spending far outstripping revenues, balance of trade, and business inventories decline.

One clear symbol of our new Gilded Age is that of the peaking DOW while food stamp usage is at a peak as well.  Even though the DOW is only a reflection of a handful of companies, the media focuses on this as if it were a barometer of the real economy.  It isn’t.  Household […]

Feb 25 2013

What European Recovery? Unemployment at record high and debt only keeps reaching more unsustainable levels. Italy’s Debt to GDP crosses 125 percent.

I never understood why so many people bought into the notion that the European Union was recovering.  If recovery means that a handful of well-connected bankers are bailed out with financial smoke and mirrors instead of facing reality while placing crushing austerity on the public, then yes, maybe a recovery is what was experienced.  As […]

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