Feb 2 2014

The EBT recovery – Food stamp cuts impact Wal-Mart: The consequences of a low wage recovery create a larger group of Americans living food stamp to food stamp.

This recovery is the most lopsided recovery the US has faced in more than a generation.  Wal-Mart recently announced a big hit to their bottom-line because of the recent cuts to the nationwide food stamp program.  Over 47 million Americans now depend on food stamps to get by on a monthly basis to feed their […]

Jan 14 2014

When a dollar store is too expensive: Growing class of poor Americans unable to afford items at dollar stores.

You know things are tough when people face a challenge purchasing goods at dollar stores.  The dollar store economy has been robust for the last decade as the US economy has shed the weight of millions of middle class families.  As more people move down the economic ladder, these stores hit a critical niche.  I […]

Sep 10 2013

United States sets another food stamp record: Households on food stamps at new peak and more Americans live in poverty compared to the entire population of Spain.

The gap between rich and poor in the United States continues to grow in-line with food stamp usage.  Many Americans watch in dismay as they view countries like Spain rip its self apart by a massively discontent and unemployed youth movement.  Many probably watch thinking that somehow, our problems can never come close to what […]

Jun 26 2013

Paycheck to paycheck and food stamp to food stamp: Study finds 3 out of 4 Americans are one financial emergency away from being out on the street.

The latest food stamp usage data was released with very little attention from the media.  47.7 million Americans are on food assistance spanning a record 23.1 million families.  Americans on food stamps reflects deep structural issues in the way our economy employs our population.  The recovery in many parts of the US is anything but.  […]

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