Jul 27 2011

How to spend $9 trillion in 10 years. How in the financial world did we end up with over $14 trillion in Federal government debt?

If we do a slow rewind back to 2001 U.S. debt stood at $5.8 trillion.  This today would seem like a bargain.  So how in the world did we end up with the current $14.3 trillion figure in a matter of ten years?  People like to ignore history but if you don’t know where your […]

Jul 24 2011

Does inflation even matter? The growing secrecy of the CPI and how average Americans face budget squeezes through financial maneuvering and the chained CPI.

Things seem to be progressively getting worse for the middle class as most of the debt ceiling talks revolve on sticking it to working Americans as if they were financially able to handle any more austerity moving forward.  While the too big to fail banks swim around in pools of bailout money like Scrooge McDuck […]

Jul 21 2011

The four horsemen of the middle class apocalypse – what does it say that we as a nation bailed out the financially wealthy too big to fail banks yet failed to bail out the middle class?

What made the U.S. the envy of the world was the belief that if you worked hard enough and had the right kind of grit and intelligence that you would be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.  This is what built the solid middle class after World War II.  The majority of people […]

Jul 13 2011

A brave new banking system – while public is told banking system is healthy FDIC quietly grows troubled bank list by 180 and adds over 1,600 employees in the last two years to deal with bank failures.

The banking system in the United States rests on a very thin layer of faith and that faith has been shaken by the current financial crisis.  The retail banking system is largely a facade that now latches on to taxpayer bailouts to fund speculative investments through their investment banking divisions.  The repeal of Glass-Steagall has […]

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